Girl Friday
Hay Ya’ll!!!!
I’ve been sick with the crazies for a couple of weeks, med tweaking, stuff like that there.
Anyway, hopefully I’m back, I know it had to be tragic without my fabulousness. HAHA
Right before that, my fab hi skool bud and her hubs, stopped by on the roll thru back to Cajun Country and we enjoyed a 3 Margarita lunch at my fave Mexican restaurant. It was great and when I go to La, I am looking her up!
So, anyway, yesterday was the 16 year anniversary at my job. Yeah, 16 years ago I was fresh faced 30something “career girl” (Wong Fu) driving a 83ish yellow Toyota Celia with a broken speedometer and an awesome sun roof. I once got two tickets in 20 minutes in two different counties, in that car, Miss Carlett. I also spun out on 61 in Tunica one icy morn during ICE STORM ’94! Almost hit a cop. Ah, dem was da days.
This job has lasted longer than the combined time consumed by my two failed marriages. Heck, it passed that milestone 5 years ago. I found out about the Oklahoma City bombing and watched the O.J. verdict in the canteen. I was at work when my boss called in a said that a plane had just flown into one world trade center tower and while he was on the phone, the second tower was also hit. Katrina filled the house with storm refugees and displaced co-workers from coastal properties.
In sixteen years I’ve owned 9 cars, had 4 addresses, had 3 operations (one was a c section) 4 pairs of glasses, 3 tickets, voted for president 4 times, been to 10 funerals, done 7 different jobs at ye olde place of employment, took 9 trips out of state, went to 15 concerts and three weddings (hmmm). I’ve lost hair during the aftershock of an illness (thank God, it grew back to its thick uncontrollable self) went through a Bible thumping 3 times a week church attendance phase, was a blonde for awhile, went through a horrible stressful experience with my second ex-husband’s second ex-wife,( heretofore known as Bat, cos that is what she is as crazy as) got to see part of a movie filmed.
Whew, what a roller coaster life is. It’s got hills and valleys, ups and downs, fast paced breath stopping action. I’ve gone from having three television station reception to having internet access in my pocket. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you realize you ain’t seen shit.
Que Sera Sera
Maybe I’ve been thinking of something for quite awhile without realizing it. I’m heading to a milestone, age 50, and I’m a little contemplative on the kind of Crone I am going to be. I am not going into my senior years quietly and sedate. My mother mired herself down in age and appearance until she disappeared and became a caricature of a miserable little old lady. I don’t intend to live a second of my life miserably.
What is the difference between a milestone and a crossroads? To me, milestones cannot be avoided and crossroads are conscious choices.
There are many milestone birthdays. 30 is a big one, and when I turned 30 I had a 21 years old boyfriend who eventually became X2.
(One reason for the happy faces in the pictures in the previous blog entry “50 is the new 30”, be sure to read it, tell your friends and neighbors.)
I turned 13 living in a fairytale world of living with two loving parents, a little brother and 2 baby sisters, going to a private school with tiny classes and teachers who cared. In a picturesque house, on a quiet little street, in a little southern town. Substitute Aunt and Uncle for Mom and Dad and cousins for brothers and sisters and you have the Brady Bunch year of my life. It was the last traditional family relationship I was to be part of and I was just a bit player, playing the part of Cissy in Family Affair for one normal year, the year I turned 13.
18 finds me a career girl in Lafayette La. Fresh out of high school, in my first job. 21 finds me the same way, an answering service operator that lives with her mom, only name of the workplace have been changed.
25, I’m a young mother and wife in Lafayette. And 30, I’ve already bragged about. 40 wasn’t all that great as I was dealing with many issues involving a newly ex hubby and visitations of my precious little girl with a (there is no way to describe) soon to be step-monster.
I can’t say how I’ll spend 50. Life is so volatile that in the five months I have left of age 49 could drastically change, abrupt change always seems to happen when you feel the most secure, and that’s why you have to maintain an “edge”. Listen to your Auntie Vi, folks. Auntie knows, Auntie understands.